Introducción a los Algoritmos Distribuidos


Turno Noche (19 a 22 horas)


Linda Pagli

Curriculum Vitae

Universidad de Pisa, Italia


Se encuentran disponibles los resultados del examen.

Objetivos del Curso:

The goal of the course is to introduce the notion of distributed algorithms and the main problems of distributed computing, to show the basic techniques for the design of distributed algorithms and to give the tools for comparing different solutions to the same problem and choosing the best one. The keywords wich better describe the content of the course are the following. Computational models. Communication complexity. Design and analysis of distributed algorithms. Control algorithms. Asynchronous computations. Synchronous computations. Fault-tolerant algorithms. Manipulation of distributed data. Examples of applications in communication networks and systems of communicating agents.


  • Distributed Environments: The Model, Examples
  • Coordination and Control: Broadcast, Spanning tree construction
  • Computations in the tree: Saturation technique, Function evaluation
  • Elections: In the Ring, In the complete network
  • Routing: Classical techniques, Compact Routing Techniques


  • N. Santoro, "Design and Analysis of Distributed Algorithms". Book in Progress. Some chapters will be available on-line.

Dirigido a:

Estudiantes de doctorado y a estudiantes de grado.


Nociones básicas de diseño de algoritmos y complejidad computacional.